[ Charlotte: 704-541-8655 ] [ Greenville, SC: 864-233-4226 ]

Knee Pain

1 in 5 will have knee pain in their lifetime. Knee replacements are on the rise! Injections only kick the can down the road. Even with the extremely high prevalence, solutions for knee pain are hard to find! So what’s your solution? Where should you turn?

Our average patient has suffered from pain for months and seen 2-3 other providers before finding relief in our office!

Our services aren’t for everyone, but If you are tired of that annoying, frustrating pain that just won’t go away, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to start getting answers!

Testing for Knee Pain

Kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels. Does your butt touch your heels? Is it painful on the knees or pulls tight in the front of the thigh? If so, you are a candidate for care. Click below to schedule an appointment

Healthy Knees
Healthy Knees
Our Treatment Can Help:
  1. Muscle Adhesion
  2. Tendinitis/Runner’s Knee
  3. Arthritis
  4. Bursitis
  5. Undiagnosed Conditions

Ready to live your life pain free?


Cody Angell - TrySports

"Running never came natural for me. I suffered chronic shin splints and repetitive stress fractures in my lower leg. I tried formal physical therapy, Ice baths, orthotics and countless hours running in the swimming pool but, still I could not string together more than a few solid weeks of training without becoming injured. Nothing seemed to work. I stopped running all together for about three years

When I made my comeback attempt things were different. I had help! Performance Therapy has made the impossible seem easy. I can go to one session with Mike and he can almost immediately tell about how many miles I have been running, how my diet has been, and even assess for proper hydration! As a self-coached endurance athlete, I understand the importance of having a support group of people who I can trust and bounce ideas off. Mike is a key strand in this web. His experience and no nonsense approach makes life easy for his clients. He employs active release technique (ART) and is able to break up adhesions in my muscles and keep the kinetic chain working properly.

This time around I've been able to train at a very high level, logging more than 3500 miles per year, and have performed well beyond anyone's expectations. I went from being the last placed guy on my team in college to winning road races now! I've taken more than 3 minutes from my 5K time and even broke my college's school record in the 8k by: 61 seconds!

I also work in the running shoe business and am in constant contact with injured runners. I send these clients to Performance Therapy. I sent my wife to Performance Therapy! You're in good hands."

Cody Angell

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Making your pain go away will never be easier or less expensive to fix