According to a 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, hand and wrist injuries combined for almost 17 lost days of work per 10,000 full-time workers. Shockingly, hand and wrist injuries were second only to back injuries, which accounted for just over 17 days – and were far greater than the 9 days recorded for knees and 8 days for shoulders.
Fortunately, having a complete assessment allows for proper treatment and full resolution. This is what we do at our office! Our average patient has suffered from pain for months and seen 2-3 other providers before finding relief in our office!
Our services aren’t for everyone, but If you are tired of that annoying, frustrating pain that just won’t go away, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to start getting answers!
A helthy elbow, wrist and hand should be able to extend the wrist back to 90 degrees and the fingers should approach 60 degrees. To thry this test at home, stand facing the wall. Place the forearm at shoulder height, extend the wrist with the opposite arm. Does it make it to 90 degrees? Is it painful?
Now pull back on the fingers as far as you can. Does it point back to your arm? is it painful or limited? If you failed any part of this test, we may be able to help. Click below to schedule an appointment.
"I started working with Mike Danenberg about a year ago, after developing significant knee pain that set me back in my training and causing me to miss my "A" race. I had seen a number of medical professionals and treatments, which left me with big expenses but no progress. Within a short time under his guidance, I have bounced back better than ever, achieving several racing goals."
"During the Pinhoti 100 a couple weeks ago, I was really struggling. I thought about what Mike taught me in regards to racing running form and applied his techniques. Around mile 55, I started to have IT band pain around my knee. I immediately recognized that bad form was causing the problem and adjusted by leaning forward (and going fast!) I ran relatively pain-free from that point on and finished with the most incredible PR yet. I believed I could crack a 24 hour finish, hoped to come in around 22, and was shocked to see my overall time of 21:31:56."
"Mike and the staff at Performance Therapy accurately assesses form and technique as indicators of potential injury. It's not always easy work, sometimes challenging to correct bad habits, but it has helped me be a better-informed and mindful athlete. I owe much of that to Mike's keen eye, excellent advice and continual feedback."
Scott Harber
Ultramarathon Runner